I was raised by my Pastor Father and my mother. My mother is a gifted pianist who began composing as a young girl. She has the ability to sit down and play any sheet music you put in front of her but also to play by ear. When my mother plays she plays with her whole heart and when she lifts her voice to worship, peace would fill the home and the presence of the Lord could be felt. My mother taught me to worship and to give everything I have to him she is a shining example of this: What a crime that would have been if she had locket that talent in a closet.
I know my mother secretly had a dream to own her own bus and turn her children into her own version of the Partridge family but the most important thing to her was to give us an outlet to express ourselves. So for years everyday after school we sat with her at the piano and had our lessons. There were times I loved it and there were times I hated it. “It’s hard.” “It’s boring.” “I don’t want to.” I’m sure all excuse heard by a parent and those same ones where coming from my mouth. Then there was that moment when everything started clicked and I pulled out a piece of sheet music and began to play and the joy I experienced in playing each measure was great.
I never became a pianist or a member of the Partridge family but I did learn so much more then just a skill. To some people they would brush this under a rug and not see its value but to other they see a skill that can be used in many facets of life.
The skills she was instilling in me are invaluable. She taught me musicality, disciplined, to work hard and set goals but most important how to express myself through my art. All of these things were very important to me because I was blessed with another talent, the gift of dance.
In Psalms 139 it says this;
You created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place, when I was woven together in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be. How Precious to me are your thoughts God! How vast is the sum of them! Were I to count them, they would outnumber the grains of sand. When I awake I am still with you.
God didn’t just pull out a big mixing pot and throw in a few talents for good measure. NO! He saw my unformed body and said this one is going to dance. This one will feel bubbles rising up through her soul and as they come forth from her body, with everything that is within her she will dance! Then he looked at every day of my life and gave those steps a meaning a purpose. I will never fully understand why it was important to make me dance but I do know this. His works are Wonderful and I will praise him because I am fearfully and wonderfully made!
This is beautiful! I am just realizing new avenues that God is taking me on from this big heart He gave me. I totally agree that we need to pass on the passions of our heart to our children! And that our passions are from God! They drive me forward and it's beautiful! Thank you for sharing this with us! I look forward to reading more and more!